Dads and Periods
Our second blog series: Dads and periods My parents are divorces, so on weekends I would go to my dads. There was no way I was going to tell my DAD that I started my period. When he started finding my soiled underwear and clothes, he asked me. I just cried, I was so embarrassed. I was the oldest of four girls, so he didn't have a clue either. It's so funny now to think of my dad asking me about pads. He had me show him what pads I used, which he thought resembled diapers. I believe his exact words were," There's gotta be another way." He asked if they were comfortable, they were not. Maxi pads for a woman with heavy flow were not working for me. He took me to the store and we learned about period products together. He bought me a sweet treat and pain medicine for the cramps. He did this for me, then my sisters. This story is very special for me because I now know he did not have the money do that. We always took his jar of change to cash in at the CoinStar first....